Bromeliad Biota | Bromeliad Phytotelmata | Bromeliad Terraria | Pests of Bromeliads | Carnivorous Bromeliads

Scale Insects That Eat Bromeliads

An Introduction to Scale Insects , Avas B. Hamon, Division of Plant Industry, FDACS

Armored Scale Insects as Pests of Bromeliads, Illustrated, Avas B. Hamon, Division of Plant Industry, FDACS

Hemiberlesia lataniae

Non-Armored Scale Insects on Bromeliads, Greg Hodges, Division of Plant Industry, FDACS

Brown soft scale

Management of Scale Insect Pests of Bromeliads, Russell Mizell, University of Florida, North Florida Research and Education Center

A Chilocorus lady beetle

Pests of Bromeliads

Bromeliad Biota